Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nostradamus Music Prophecies - 2009 - First Installment

These are predictions related to the music of 2009 that Nostradamus actually included in his first published work in 1555, The Prophecies.

1. MGMT will follow up their breakout debut, which I loved, with a huge let down for mustaches and headbands everywhere. This phenomenon will later be described by musical scientists as "The U2 Syndrome". This can be generalized as a band going from general unknowns to the Loves of the World overnight, allowing it go straight to their heads and then taking themselves too seriously, which ultimately leads to shitty music...

2. Prince will play a ten year anniversary show in which he plays the song 1999 with his jerry curl from Purple Rain.

3. The Animal Collective album, Merriweather Post Pavillion will be hailed as a work of genius by the critics and fans alike but secretly most people don't really like Animal Collective and haven't listened to anything past the first three songs yet are fearful of hipster backlash - a term which refers to being ostracized by your peers for not falling in line with the norm.

**sidenote** - Merriweather Post Pavillion is voted worst album title in the history of music in the year 2078. Runners up included Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water by Limp Bizkit and You Can Tune a Piano but You Can't Tuna Fish by REO Speedwagon.

4. Speaking of Limp Bizkit - they reunite in 2009, citing the fact the Wes and whatshisface have less hate for eachother than they do for the present state of the world. Nobody cares or notices.


  1. What does this have to do with your street interview...I think we need a tie in on some level, even if it's just "Micah had a certain air about him, I felt as if I was in the presence of a true seer, or a fortune predictor of sorts. I ran home to open up my Nostradamus book to see what else I could learn about the upcoming state of music.

    Also, I think it's great that we all have our own voices/styles. It may be worth thinking about if we all want to cover different subjects as add-ons to the questionnaire section. Like maybe not everything has to tie into the questionnaire, but we are required 1 Q-blog a day, and we can add all sorts of others.

    Can you log in so that you are posting as Jay (or whatever your handle is) rather than sea.eych? not really concerned with it, just wondering.

  2. I see what you're saying, I can tie it in like that. I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing, I just knew I was better at making lists than constructing stories so that's where I started...We can make this a team blog, I'll send you guys the instructions. I've already added myself. Nate will have to just create a name and add himself.
