Friday, February 27, 2009

Nice sweater, let's mate

Fall is an exciting time, even in Los Angeles where it amount to only a 5 degree drop in the mercury. It causes boys and girls to bundle up in sweaters, sweatshirts, wool underwear, and gortex ski masks, it's a cute time for clothing. Well if Fall is exciting Spring is mind-fuckblowing. After long months spent bundled up in the thickest clothes in your closet and hiding under the covers until the late afternoon people are finally out in thin t-shirts and thin jeans/skirts/skorts/kilts/'s exciting, flowers bloom, dogs piss, people fall in love. Magical.

Here in LA we are still in the "cold season" where it drops below 60 at night and people complain non-stop, saying things like "I can't wait for spring," or "when is it going to warm up for reals," or "my mom is a fucking whore," y'know, seasonal bull shit. Although, we have been getting glimpses of the new season. A few random days here and there we are able to walk around in thin Am.App. t-shirts and tight jeans, they are the same jeans we wear in the winter but now my legs are sweaty. Today is not one of those days. It's cold enough to hear people whine. Regardless of my distaste for whining I ventured out in the name of blogging today.

I asked my little Q-girl (what I will eventually dub my questionnaire people Q-girls, Q-boys, Q-broMans, etc..) today if she was ready to put away her sweaters for the season and she said that she "couldn't wait for spring and the warm weather to finally start because her mom is a whore," thus fulfilling every prediction I had last night while lying in bed. See sometimes, for the readers enjoyment I think of clever things to ask, sometimes I get good responses and sometimes I get garden variety responses from people who <3 DMB.

Could you date a girl who <3sDMB? I could, so long as she never listened to music around me and never told anyone (a. the we are dating and b. that she likes the smell of crap in her headphones.) Of course we would only date for 3-4 months and I'd totally be using her for her Gap discount, I think that removing Gap lables would tire quickly and thus the 4 month limit on that love affair. Plus, she doesn't even whistle along to Noah and The Whale. On the up side though, I never introduce DMBabes to my friends so there would be little if any reputation destruction. Plus, I have zero reputation.

1 comment:

  1. I like this one, I know what it feels like to date someone who has absolute horrible taste in music and it really does ruin your rep.
